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Professional product description writing can be a profession and a skill, just as any other service. Many people hang up shingles and run ads and appear in cyberspace, claiming they provide this service, when they lack writing skills, experience and knowledge of their profession. No licensing or educational program is required to become a product description writer. Anyone with the desire to do so can create a website, post an advertisement, print business cards or even make a web page and claim that they are a product writer.

I am amazed that many individuals claiming to be product writers don't work at their craft. The writing style of many writers I have met is anti-marketing, wooden and sophisticated. They don't realize that product description writing projects are sales and marketing projects. Underneath all the formalities and stylistic requirements, product description is simply copywriting geared towards increasing traffic and selling products. Just because someone can write a newspaper story, write a novel, or teach an English class, doesn't mean that he or she can write a description of a product that sells. AI Code Generators

Keep in mind the following, along with the quality of writing. It is important to know if the service you are using is a real professional or a phony amateur. Since anyone can advertise themselves as a professional product description writing service, it is easy to be mislead. Here are some of the things you might ask when considering hiring a service.

1. You can also ask about the "team". The majority of such online (and offline) writing projects tend to be large and involved. It is typical of professional writing services to have teams of two or three dozen writers, sometimes more. It is unlikely that they are a professional if they do not have a team and cannot answer your questions straight.

2. Ask if they can manage a large project. This question will often catch amateurs off-guard, as they haven't considered the scope of many projects. If you are thinking to hire a team of individuals on your own, and manage the project on your own, look out! Logistics and communication can be overwhelming.

3. Ask about deadlines and turnaround time. Inexperienced writers of product descriptions vastly underestimate the amount of time needed to create a high-quality product description. This can lead to overly optimistic turnaround times, which can cause significant problems in the future. AI Code Generators

4. Asked about error handling. Amateurs will not have a policy. The better services mostly get it right the first time, and when they do not, they will usually fix errors for free.

5. Ask about pricing. Professional services will not give you a price off the top of their head. A professional will not give you a price without examining the project. Writing projects are not created equal and to treat them that way is the mark of an amateur. Professional services that are of the highest quality will discuss pricing options with you and be flexible.

6. Take note of how they respond to your questions. Answers should be clear, direct and satisfying. Does it seem that the service has your best interests at heart? How is the rapport? You should move on if you even get the slightest hint of communication being difficult.

7. Request a sample. Ask for a free sample.